Wednesday 5 September 2012

Hello from Me

Well, this is the first blog. It may be the the last but it is most definitely the first.  Actually, today is not really a blog, it is merely an introduction and a hello. I hope to start the real blog next week and publish every Wednesday or Thursday. I have expressed concern previously about bloggers operating behind from the comfort of anonymity so it would be hypocritical if I were to do the same so here is a bit about me.

My name is Nathan Pittam and I am 31. I have a PhD in Geomorphology and I live in Ipswich, Suffolk. I originate from Bedworth, a small town to the north of Coventry in the English Midlands. I am recently married. My politics are mixed and frequently confused but I suppose if I am honest I lean to the left if you still subscribe to the old Left vs. Right model of politics. I voted Liberal Democrat at the last General Election and may choose to do the same in 2015...who knows.

I have waited until now to start a blog basically because I've always been unsure of their purpose but since I started using Twitter more frequently I've become connected with a couple of really good blogs serving the Ipswich area and I have realised that they are possibly more insightful and thought provoking than the standard press.  I don't always agree with the views in these blogs but I think it is a good form of airing views and initiating debates. The two blogs that I suppose I should mention here are and which I may not always agree with but they have converted me from a blogsceptic to at least tentatively interested enough to be sat in our back bedroom on the laptop.

So, some rules. Some for me, some for you*. I will keep to them, I would appreciate it if you kept to them too:

1. I will not matter how strongly I feel about a matter I will keep it clean.*
2. I will be polite....there is nothing to be gained from being rude, its not big and its not clever*
3. I will be open and honest...
4. I will not block....I believe wholly in free speech even if you break my rules.
5. I will answer any questions that you may have....

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